Monday, May 16, 2005

Day 1, by Dom

Well, now that I've recovered from the excitement of the first post, I thought I should explain a bit more about my day. For ages now I've fancied this guy on my course, but I never did anything because he's about seven years older than me and much cleverer and more committed and so on. So I flirted with him a bit but never did anything more.

But I finally decided I should take my future in my own hands, blah blah blah, and actually get to know him properly, and since I had a practical with him today it seemed like a perfect opportunity. So...

I wander into the practical five minutes late, as usual, and OH MY GOD there he is and the seat next to him is free. Should I sit there, shouldn't I?? Well of course I decided that I should, I mean, wouldn't anyone?? So I walk over, and just as I get there he looks up at me and smiles, and I go completely jelloid and my brain turns to mush and instead of sitting down I carry on walking straight past him and then my friend Isobel waves to me and so I have to sit next to her. Bugger.

SO after the practical I go back to Emma's room to tell her what a prat I am and for her to tell me what a prat I am as well, and suddenly I have the idea of emailing him to ask him out. Emma writes the email (she's good at that kind of thing; she took 2 English A-levels you know) and we send it. And then we wait. And wait. And wait. You wouldn't think the refresh button could be so absorbing! After dinner, STILL with no reply, the excitement got a bit too much for me and I had to lie down and listen to some Enya. At 9 o'clock Emma hammers on the door to tell me he's replied!! Has he said yes, has he, has he, HAS HE?

Er... no. In fact he doesn't know who I am. He "assumes I'm one of the undergrads" (like that's such a terrible thing, the snob) and "can't offer me anything but friendship."



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I too have many tales of unrequited love. The only advice I can offer is that it does get a little easier as you age and time ticks on. Lord knows, I'm in my forties now although I feel no different.

You just pick yourself up, dust yourself down and carry on with your life. Someone else will come along and eventually you'll find someone that thinks you're smashing.

Good luck with your manhunting.

11/6/05 23:18  

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