Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Just to let you know I am currently calculating how many frogs on bicycles it would take to power a lightbulb. That should give you some idea of why I'm so pissed off with the physiology department right about now.
If anyone is interested, or even awake, then I can reveal that a 40 watt light bulb requires 678 frogs on bikes to stay lit. My (admittedly somewhat flawed) calculations based on this indicate that the number of frogs that would be needed to power just one home would be well into five figures. Multiply that by the number of homes in the UK and you probably have a very large number of frogs - possibly, in fact, more frogs than there actually are in existence (can you tell I've given up caring by this point??)
Hence it would be highly unfeasible to try to replace the burning of fossil fuels with frog power as a means of providing electricity to the UK.
Fancy that.


Blogger Unknown said...

However, if you were to hang a physicist such as Paul or me over a watermill, the bullshit that oozes out and drips down would have enough kinetic energy to be quite useful. Assuming that each bull is "a few" hundred kilos, and shit means a factor of i (root of -1), and we were hung 10 meters before (in the negative direction of the time dimension) the aforementioned waterwheel....

Did I mention bullshit?

25/5/05 20:10  
Blogger Dom said...

That's all very cool, but how much bullshit would it take to power a 40 watt light bulb??

Answers on a postcard please.

25/5/05 20:29  
Blogger Dom said...

We're having a very technical discussion about advanced Physics.... ;)

25/5/05 22:00  

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