Thursday, October 20, 2005

The end of the street

Yes, it's sad but it's true - we've reached the end of the street for T Street! Sadly it just doesn;t seem like it'll ever be the same again any more - now that Stu and I have left the street behind and Em and Luke have their own blogs (and Jimmy probably won't even notice that we've stopped writing the blog) we think it's time we went our separate online ways...

The time we've spent writing T Street has been an incredible and unforgettable time for us all, and I hope we'll keep the memories of them with us forever. Just to round things off nicely I've chosen some of my favourite posts as a kind of edited highlights, like the delightful videos people are shown after they get kicked off Big Brother, only to discover that their "best moments" consist of them burping, farting and cooking macaroni cheese.

So in no particular order here are the best of T Street!!

  • The one where it all began -
  • The one with the dinosaur -
  • A picture you probably WON'T find in the Corpus prospectus -
  • Our most-commented-on post ever -
  • Nicci lets her hair down. A LOT. -
Well then, I guess th-th-th-th-that's all folks!!

Mucho love and kisses,

The Benet Crew (aka the Trumpers) xxx


Blogger Andrew said...

It was fucking grate while it lasted though.

30/10/05 22:10  

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